Tuesday, June 17, 2014

always learning

one of the most wonderful things about the Holy Ghost, among many others, is that it can teach you in new ways all of the time. As I've been studying and preparing to head to Guatemala I decided that I was going to re-read the conference talk that helped me decide it was time to serve a mission.

The talk is entitled, "A Priceless Heritage of Hope". By President Henry B. Eyring.

These are the notes I took during conference:

-each day we can choose to make and keep covenants with God
-Accept calls in faith (this is really what softened my heart)
-*It's time to go on a mission*
-Things will work out
-Families can be forever
-Heavenly Father never forces righteousness because righteousness must be chosen
-our faith WILL be tested
-where does your faith lie?
-Doubt not. Fear not.
-Are you tied back to man or tied back to God?
-Truth is truth
-All truth emanates from God
-Do not hide your faith. Let your faith show.
-God's laws must always be our standard
-Go to God first and ask him your questions
-Evil error and darkness will never be truth. Even if it's popular
-"Don't worry about me. I know I'll be alright" -Emily Neilson showing her faith as she was dying
-Let us have courage and not compromise
-Each day grow your faith
-Baptism is very important
-***marry a faithful, returned missionary in the temple***
-SERVE THE LORD FIRST (school comes second)
-sincerely love those whom you wish to help
-your love will help them find God's love
-As you love and serve others you will find solutions to your own problems
-God's purpose is to bring the immortality and eternal life of man
-ALWAYS seek to strengthen families
-Showing love is very important in serving those you want to help
-Trust. Even if it's hard
-We all grow line upon line
-Keep proclaiming and sharing your simple testimony
-The atonement of Jesus Christ is the most fundamental teaching to our gospel. Study it diligently.
-Whenever there is a chance speak in great reverence of Christ
-Teaching, Serving and Loving others
-Follow His perfect example
-Share our knowledge, trust, light, peace and love of the gospel with others
-out of all the key factors in life, OBEDIENCE is vital
-be careful whom you follow
-"Not my will, but thine be done"
-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *MISSION*
-when we obey we accept his sacrifice
-"if you love me, keep my commandments and follow me"
-seek forgiveness for thoughts and actions that are not in line with God's will
-we need to overcome man's desires and selective obedience--*MISSION*

and well my notes go on for about 20 more pages of little 'one liners' that I heard all through out General Conference. As you can tell, most of my notes pertain to being obedient and serving and loving and proclaiming your faith and accepting God's will. As I go back through the talks now, I don't really know how I came about my 'one liners', but I know the spirit knew that it was exactly what I needed to hear in that moment, because let me tell you, I did NOT want to serve a mission in April. I had let go of that desire and felt like I was on an excellent path with school and friends and life simply had not been better. And I remember when I had felt like I needed to re-think about a mission, it was spring break and I was driving home from one of our golf courses and, "It's time to serve a mission." just popped into my head, but I quickly brushed it aside. The next time it happened, I was sitting in my Human Biology class listening to the lecture and taking notes and "It's time to serve a mission." popped into my head again, and so I bubbled the word mission in my notes and forgot about it until later when I was studying for the test and that was around the same time General Conference was on. God truly works in mysterious ways.

I am so grateful for that little one word note. As I was contemplating serving a mission I was sitting in the library by myself one day in the garden room and studying for my test and as I flipped the page and saw that one word, my heart filled with warmth and I knew that going on a mission would be a decision I never will regret and although I had already decided to serve, this tender mercy helped me be sure of that decision.

Going back through President Eyring's talk, new things stuck out to me this time. Bringing me an even greater peace and appreciation for Heavenly Father and how He always knows exactly what we need and when we need it. These are a few of the quotes that I have highlighted that touched my heart, 

-"you have the opportunity to show many people the way to greater happiness"
-"He knew that the happiness of eternal life comes through family bonds which continue forever"
-"never neglect this . . . important duty [to assemble] with the Saints"
-"Faith and hope that was in his heart."
-"He accepted those calls because of his faith"
-"Each covenant brings with it duties and promises. For all of us, as they were for Heinrich, those duties are sometimes simple but are often difficult. But remember, the duties must sometimes be difficult because their purpose is to move us along the path to live forever with Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in families"
-"Keeping our second estate depends on our making covenants with God and faithfully performing the duties they require of us. It takes faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior to keep sacred covenants for a lifetime."
-"However, our loving Heavenly Father gave us the gift of His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior. That great gift and blessing of the Atonement of Jesus Christ brings a universal inheritance: the promise of the Resurrection and the possibility of eternal life to all who are born. The greatest of all the blessings of God, eternal life, will come to us only as we make covenants offered in the true Church of Jesus Christ by His authorized servants."
-"Then, with the help of the Light of Christ and the Holy Ghost, we can keep all the covenants we make with God, especially those offered in His temples."
-"From those examples of the power of the Atonement working in human hearts, you can receive courage and comfort."
-"He has made promises to us as we keep trying to gather people to Him, even when they resist His invitation to do so."
-"He does not quit, nor should we." (this one is my favorite)
-"We can depend on that unfailing desire of the Savior to bring all of Heavenly Father's spirit children back to their home with Him."
-"Heavenly Father and the Savior are our perfect examples of what we can and must do. They never force righteousness, because righteousness must be chosen."
-"Every person born into the world receives the Light of Christ." (another favorite!)
-"God makes it attractive to choose the right by letting us feel the effects of our choices."
-"If the blessings were immediate, choosing the right would not build faith." (another fav!)
-"There are things to wait for patiently, in faith, knowing that the Lord acts in His own time and in His own way." (LOVE this one so much)
-"Young children are often more sensitive to the Spirit than we realize."
-"They (talking about the prophets) also know the way of the Lord, and so they are always hopeful about His kingdom. They know He is at its head. He is all-powerful and He cares. If you let Him be the leader of your family, things will work out."
-"After all we can do in faith, the Lord will justify our hopes for greater blessings for our families than we can imagine."
-"In it are the keys of the priesthood, and so families can be forever. This is our priceless heritage of hope."

https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2014/04/a-priceless-heritage-of-hope?lang=eng (here's the link for the full talk--it's amazing)

I am so grateful for the Spirit and for how he helps bring peace into my life. I am very grateful for our Heavenly Father and His special plan that He has designed for each and every one of us. I know sometimes I'm stubborn and think I know better and get frustrated with the way somethings happen. But I truly know that God has a better plan for each of us than we have for ourselves, and it's a perfect plan. I know that He desires us to be faithful and return home to live with Him and I know that the only way to do that is through living the gospel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I know with my whole soul that it is the true church on this earth today. I know that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, in the Sacred Grove. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are two separate personages with the Holy Ghost being the third member of the Godhead. I know that The Book of Mormon is the most true book to ever be written and I love it dearly. I know that Thomas S. Monson is the prophet in these latter days and that he was called of by God. I know that we have the true and everlasting priesthood on this earth today and I am so grateful for all the worthy male members who hold the priesthood and use it to bless my life and the lives of all the other women of the church. It truly is a blessing to have it in my home. I know that our Savior Jesus Christ, hung on the cross and suffered for our sins. I know that He did this out of love for us. I know that He died, and that He lives again. I know that Heavenly Father needs me in Guatemala and I know it will be hard and tough and some days I'm going to want to give up. But I also know that through fervent prayer and through fasting Heavenly Father blesses us with faith and strength to do anything He's asked of us. I know that you too can know all these things for yourself if you get on your knees and sincerely ask God if they are true and if He really is there listening to your prayer. You may not have this big lightening moment where you talk face to face with God; you might. But more often than not, God lets us know of truth through a still small voice that pops as a thought into your head or your heart fills with warmth and you just feel good and happy. I'm feeling that warmth right now as I type this. We all feel the spirit in different ways. Some people cry, some get chills, and some, like me, simply feel warm and happy. Whichever way you come to know this truth, I know that if you honestly want to know for yourself, Heavenly Father is waiting for you to ask. So ask, I know He will answer. 

(I don't know who owns this picture, I do not claim the copyright. I just like how it shows our Savior)

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