Tuesday, June 17, 2014

june 12th

on june 12th I had the privilege of entering The House of The Lord. It was an amazing and spiritual experience. Never in my life have I been so overwhelmed with peace and love. I can't help but think that's what heaven is going to feel like.

I would encourage all of those who have not yet received their endowment, to make that a goal and to live your life in a way that you will be worthy to enter the temple when the time comes. It is a day of great joy and a decision you will never regret.

For those who do have their endowment, you know what a blessing the temple is in your life and I would encourage you to make a goal of attending the temple on a regular basis.

For those of you who are not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and are unfamiliar with our temples, let me tell you a little bit about them;

The temple is a place where we go to make covenants with Heavenly Father and promise to Him to live our lives worthily. It is a place where we learn more about Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. It is not a place of secrets. We simply do not talk about the things that happen in the temple because they are very sacred to us and we want to respect them. Any one is welcome inside our temples, if they are willing to live their lives in the way God has commanded us to live in order to enter His home. The temples are full of peace and reverence. It is a place you can go if you are seeking answers and directions in your life and want to be able to feel the Holy Ghost whisper promptings to you. It is a place of love and respect for our Lord. It is the place where we are encouraged to marry because only in the temples are we able to be sealed by the proper authority to our spouse and children for time and all eternity. It is a beautiful place and anyone is welcome to tour the grounds and partake of the spirit you feel as you look upon and walk around outside the Lord's temple.

The temple has brought me much peace and happiness and I am so grateful for this opportunity.

There is no feeling that compares to that in the House of The Lord. My heart is so full of peace and happiness.

I could not stop smiling all night. 

I love my parents dearly and am so grateful they were able to be there with me in the temple.

My sweet mother and her sister Lisa. I look up to both of these women so very much and am grateful for their influence in my life every day. 

Anndddd.....this just goes to show how big of a dork I am. My aunt made me stand on the famous married couple stand and she told me to dip myself since I don't have a man. How could I resist?? ;) 

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