Monday, December 29, 2014


so we still don't have very many answers.

the doctor is still leaning towards reactive arthritis. i haven't been able to get into the specialist yet, when i called the office the soonest they had a new patient appointment was in june. so thankfully my doctor called around and explained the situation and was able to find someone who could see me on the 15th of January.

the pain hasn't improved much, but thankfully i don't hobble around like an 80 year old anymore. with physical therapy and arthritis medication {plus a few others} that's gotten much better.

the doctor was concerned with a few other things and so we did more blood work right before christmas and haven't heard back from him yet, so we're taking that as a good sign. he did say that the bacteria is also attacking my nervous system and that's why i am so hypersensitive to touch, so if you see me, please don't touch me, it kills.

we called cooley about the appointment scheduled for 3 weeks after i got home and he said that there's not much we can do right now without this arthritis thing under control and to get that figured out and if my knees are still swollen and painful to schedule an appointment with him and then he'll be able to properly diagnose the problem. so fingers still crossed it's just the arthritis and i never have to go back to that office.

so that's all we know. and thank you for all the support and the notes and stopping by my house to visit and see how i'm doing. it means the world to me.

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