Sunday, December 7, 2014

journal entry from the air . . .

this is my journal entry as i came home:

well, I'm on the airplane right now, about to touch down on American soil. My heart is racing so fast. Any ways, I couldn't sleep last night, I was to freaked out about today. I woke up at 5 and the secretaries came and got me at 5:45 and took me to the airport, helped me through the giant line and got me to security and then left. It's strange to think that there won't be clapping noises in the streets all the time from the tortillarias or kids playing futbol or baseball in the middle of the street all day and it's going to be super strange to not have to pray throughout the whole meal to be able to not gag and keep the food down, except hermana silvia's food, i'm going to miss her delicious food terribly. So Hermana Sanchez and i were talking and decided that more bad things happen to you on your mission than good, but when the good moments happen it makes it all worth it. I honestly don't remember all the details about the bad times, i know i had them, i know this was the absolute hardest thing i've done, but details, i don't really know. but i'll never forget seeing Sergio in the church before us in a white shirt and tie and his face and smile. i'll never forget the night i committed Frank to baptism and the spirit. I'll never forget seeing Antonia and Flor become so accepting of the gospel and light up as we teach truth. I'll never forget David and Xiomara and how great their desire is to become an eternal family. There moments are what make the crappy days and weeks worth it and in the end that's all you remember.

Right now I don't know what I'm going to do -- this is the first time I don't have a plan for my future and I'm oddly okay with it. I just feel so much peace right now and we'll just take it one day at a time.

Un dia al la ves.

Amor, Hermana Tuddenham

I still don't really have a plan and still am taking one day at a time. there have been some complications with my health and so we're still trying to find answers to those questions, but one day at a time things get better and though at times i get discouraged, i'm starting to realize that this is the way it was always planned. from the moment i was going to submit my papers the first time and didn't. from the time i opened my call, gave my farewell talk, got on the plane to leave for guatemala. this has always been a part of my plan. i am so grateful for all the lessons i learned in my short time in the beautiful country of guatemala. it truly has changed my life.

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