Tuesday, September 30, 2014

week 2: Being a missionary is the best thing in the world!

Hola familia!

So this week has been so good, but so so dificil. I have been beyond sick. I think I cursed myself with last weeks email. When ever I eat my stomach goes into knots and at first the nurse thought it was because of acid, so kind of like what happened to grandma norma after she got back from Hawaii, but it never got any better. I've missed some classes this week because I've been in so much pain. I haven't cried here until then. I was in class one night and it just hit me how bad my stomach hurt and my teacher, Hermana Chavez noticed I was huntched over and asked if I was okay. I couldn't even reply because I was in so much pain, I just had tears running down my face and so she told my comp to take me upstairs. I got to my room and just collapsed on my bed. Hermana Cox, the Presidents wife, came up to check on me and so did Hermana Burbridge and when Hna. Cox saw me she said, "I'm going to get your zone leader. You need a blessing." So they set up this little room and there were 8 elders in there waiting for me and I walked in and they gave me a blessing and it was their first time ever doing it and they did such a good job, the blessing was beautiful and the spirit was so strong. Now I wish that I could say I was instantly healed and all was well. But I wasn't. I had to go to the doctor and he thinks I might have a bacteria growing in my stomach or that my pancreas isn't producing enough lipase. wonderful right? so today we went to the hosptial and got some blood drawn so they can run tests and figure out what the heck is going on. I'm crossing my fingers that they figure it out soon. I AM STARVING!! The only thing I've eaten for the past week is carrots, peas and potatos-rabbit food. I never want to eat another carrot in my life. ever. but that's one thing that I love so much about the CCM and it being so small, is how personal it is here. The chef knows who I am, what times I eat and he makes me a special meal of rabbit food and brings it out to me in the cafeteria himself. It's so sweet. And all of the elders who helped with the blessing or who know I've been sick always ask how I'm feeling. We really are like one big family here and I love it so much. One day after eating rabbit food the only thing that sounded good was strawberry ice cream, so the nurse told me to eat it, we always get to eat ice cream but only at lunch, and Presidente Cox came up to me and said, "Sister, if that doesn't make you sick, you can have ALL the ice cream you want!" Score! right?...but I did get sick. However, last night I was able to eat my first meal in a week and it was wonderful! The power of the priesthood and the power of fasting is real. It really is God's power on the earth today. I haven't been 100 percent better, but I have been able to go to all my classes and have minimal pain. I am so grateful for this gospel. It really is the only way to be truly happy in this life.

So as we were teaching our investigadors this week, we asked Sabrina to commit to bapstism and we've had 6 lessons with her and so when we asked her she paused and then looked at us and said, in spanish of course, "I don't know that this is true." It just about crushed my heart. Like, how can you be feeling this spirit and have your heart be so warm and full and not know of the truth of this gospel? That was a rough night for me and Hermana Jepson. The next day we met our second investigador and his name if Frederman and we had the first lesson and got to get to know him and his concerns and the spirit was so strong in that lesson, I've never felt it so strongly in a lesson before. It was amazing and just made me so happy! I know we can help him find happiness, because, he is very sad and has alot of problems. But I know that as we continue to teach him that he'll open us to us more and the spirit will be able to soften his heart.

So our other nortes (gringos) are leaving!! I am so sad! So there will be only 4 white sisters in the CCM and the other two hermanas aren't even in our branch, so we never see them. And our latino roomies are leaving and I am SO sad!! Hermana Garcia and Hermana Flores are my favorite! We spend so much time laughing together. They are such sweethearts and will be amazing missionaries. Hermana Flores is very homesick and misses her family so much and one night we were all done saying prayers except her and I have the bottom bunk and so does she and I heard her crying while saying her prayers, so I got out of bed and knelt down by her and gave her a big hug for a few minutes and told her that I loved her in spanish and then got back into bed. I love the sisters I serve with SO much! I will miss them terribly and probably won't see them again in this life, but in heaven it is going to be a fabulous reunion! So now Hna. Jepson and I will be the only ones that speak english in our district but I guess it's okay because now I really will be forced to learn the language if I ever want to talk to someone besides me comp at meals. 

Tomorrow we are getting a tour of the city, going to a market, I am so excited! and we are eating at Wendy's for lunch! Yay for american food! I hope my stomach feels good enough to eat. 

So just FYI, it takes 6 weeks for packages to get here and 2 weeks for letters. I do want an ipod mom, I'm having music withdrawls. I want english and spanish hymns and CHRISTMAS music! I'm SO excited for christmas!! But don't send it just yet, because some mission presidents let us listen to disney music and if mine does, I want Frozen, Tangled, Hercules and some others. So I'll let you know next month what Presidente Caffaro says. 

Bubba! How was your birthday?? I sounds like you had an awesome party! Sad to have missed it, but I thought about you all day! And thank you so much for the journal. I use it every single day! and every time I write in it i think about you!

One other thing I was thinking about this week, is how blessed we are to be Americans and to speak the same language as the prophets. I don't think any of us realize how fortunate we are. The CCM is in the 'rich' part of the country and the home that is right outside of my window I would most definitley not classify as 'rich'. Very poor would be more like it. Seeing the poverty here is very hard and when I think about American wealth its simply disgusting. Hermana Garcia got a letter from her family and in it was ten dollars and I swear she acted like she was the richest person in the world. It was better than christmas for her. I was in shock. And to be honest felt completely sick inside knowing that I would make that amount of money in one hour at work. BE GRATEFUL TO BE AMERICANS

Oh speaking of rich Americans, mom I need a crappy looking watch like ASAP. Even though I only spent $1.28 on it, it still looks expensive and it could put me in some serious danger. So whenever I leave the CCM I never wear my watch or necklace. So no jewlery for me and I might just send it all home. 

Singing called to serve it my absolute favorite thing to do. There's just something different about singing that song and wearing your missionary name tag. It is still my very favorite item I own.

I am so grateful for this opportunity and I know that this church is true! Going on a mission has been the best thing of my life. Don't get me wrong sometimes it's hard and when your investigador tells you that they don't think it's true you just sit there and ask yourself 'why am I here? I don't even HAVE to be here." but then you have a spiritual moment and remember your purpose. Representing Jesus Christ is amazing and I couldn't imagine doing anything else with my life right now. Mom, will you print out a talk by Elder Holland for me and send it to me? I can't print out any emails in the CCM but I want this talk! Its so amazing, everyone should read it! He gave it in the Chile MTC on October 28, 2000 and its about the miracle of a mission. I don't remember the exact title, but its something like that. Read it, it will change your life! 

I love you guys so much! Thanks for your prayers! They really do make such a big difference! 

Love, Hermana Tuddenham

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