Monday, November 3, 2014

week 6 & 7

Hey family!

Okay wow. So much to say. So our last week at the CCM was awesome and very sad. Our district got so close, it was tough for all of us to say goodbye. 

So I told yáll about that song that we were going to sing for our last devotional and we had some people from the airport come over to have lunch at the CCM so we can have a better relationship with the airport and they´ll help out more with missionary needs. So our teacher had us go sing that song to them and the spirit was so powerful. This tough old man was sitting in front of me and none of them are members of the church and this old man just had tears running down his face, along with several other people. It was such an amazing experience.

So one of our last nights in the CCM we were waiting for our teacher and two other companionships to get done with teaching and so we were all chatting and having fun and someone brought up quarter basketball and one elder had never heard of it before so we played it with him and he had pencil marks all over his face and we were laughing so hard and presidente walked in...ya...not one of the brightest moments, but it was still so funny.

Mom I got the letters!! YAY! Thank you! They made my night!

So I´m really short on time and there is so much to say, so you´re just going to get parts of the week.

Presidente and Hermana Caffaro are the nicest people. I love them! They know Rachel Cox and are related to her some how and they also know Dave Richards. Such a small world!

So my area is Monte Maria and it´s in the capital just like 10 or 15 minutes away from the CCM. I´m the first missionary to start in this area so that´s kind of neat...We have some awesome investigators. We have 6 with baptismal dates and I am so happy for all of them!

My spanish is terrible. Absolutely terrible. I hardly understand anything, but each day it gets a little better and I understand a little more. Which is good.

It is freezing here. No joke. I am always so cold! It´s really pretty and I love seeing the city lights at night. The area is pretty poor and it is just heart breaking. I wish you guys could see the way these people live. Their homes are made out of pallets and scrap wood. It´s so sad. But they don´t complain, this is the only way of life they know. You guys seriously have so idea how blessed we are.

So as far as being the only white person here, it´s great.....I get honked and whistled at everywhere we go. Men always blow me kisses and one night we were teaching a lesson in the street and I was in the middle of teaching and this drunk man just comes up and kisses me! Thank heavens I turned in time and he just got my cheek....but still...this place is crazy! Little kids will see me walking and they all look at me and yell that I´m a giant. It´s so funny. 

That´s all the time I have for this week. My comp is uploading pictures with my camera right now, so I´ll send some of those! I love you guys so much! (They had a camera glitch so there are no pictures this week. However, the one below is when she left the MTC in Guatemala for the Guatemala City South Mission on Tuesday, October 28, 2014).

Love, Hermana Tuddenham

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